Sunday, September 9, 2012

Weekend made better

No one likes the thought of the weekend being over, and monday rolling around. However, I am convinced that I have "Super Sunday Struggle." Every Sunday night I find myself trying to squeeze in all of the things that I wanted to, but didn't accomplished over the weekend; such as, doing my laundary, finsihing homework, cleaning out my car, catching up on "Gossip Girl", and baking. All of these things were done between the hours of 7 and 11 p.m. tonight. I always feel like I need to get one more day to finish everything.

 Because this happens to me almost every week, I just now decided that I am going to list some tips for myself (and for others too!) of how to have a more productive weekend!

1. Make a list! I know personally, when I can see everything that I need or want to do, I am more likely to buckle down and get it done sooner. I'm convinced that just crossing something off a list makes you feel as if a weight has been lifted off of your shoulder.

2. Wake up earlier! Trust me, this is the last thing I want to do on a weekend, but the earlier you get up, the more time there is to do other activites (and you can go out for breakfast, which is always a plus!)

3. Don't save everything for the weekend! I am extremely guilty of this one, but just because something is due on Monday doesn't mean it needs to be saved for the weekend. Get all of the boring stuff done before the weekend rolls around, then when it does come Saturday morning, there are more exciting things to do than a page of math problems.

4. Plan! If I can't find something to do on a Saturday, I either find myself in front of the T.V. or spending all of my money on clothes I don't need, and neither of those are good. So make a plan! Find a hiking trail or even an arts festival to go to; anything that gets you out of the house and embracing your weekend.

5. Embrace whatever plans you already have. Signed up to spend your whole day babysitting? Great! embrace that! Take the kids on a walk, go to a movie, anything unique and fun, as long as the parents approve!

I'm hoping that because I made this list, I will actually follow my own advice and do something with my weekend next week, and not get stuck with my sunday night struggle!


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